Living The Mission, Vision, Values

South Haven employees were invited to nominate fellow employees by writing essays about how the employee is living the Mission, Vision Values of Vetter Senior Living. We received numerous wonderful nominations. Winners and the nominators won jumbo sized bags of fireworks. Congratulations to the winners & their nominators!!!

Winner! Mel Ludvik

Mel is the type of person who doesnā€™t need to be reminded about mission, vision, values. She already has them in her heart, without being taught. Mel has a kind and gentle spirit which makes residents, co-workers and family members feel comfortable around her. She is very aware of others feelings and treats them with respect. Her sense of humor is fun without being over the top. She can easily brighten your day. It is neat to watch her with the residents, she is a good listener and also takes time to comb hair, wash glasses, tie a shoe or help put a sweater on. Itā€™s obvious how much she loves the residents; she encourages employees, residents and community to get involved in events and projects. Sheā€™s a real team player as well as an excellent team leader. Mel is a problem solver; she would rather come up with solutions, than complain about whatā€™s wrong. When she says sheā€™ll do something, she follows through. She has respect for South Haven. I have only heard her say good things about South Haven and the employees. Reputation is very important to her. I feel Mel is such a prime example of how mission, vision, values should be and the best part is thatā€™s just how she is!

Winner! Mandy Pugsley

Mandy is a new RN, but apparently an old soul. She understands the needs of residents like a seasoned veteran. She shows a maturity, and understanding of the population she serves always in a professional manner, but does it all with gentleness and in a loving manner. Many times when I have been on her neighborhood, I have seen her juggling multiple problems, interruptions, and task to complete, always with a gentle touch, a smile on her face and that calm, sweet demeanor. She will drop everything she is in the middle of to help her residents and staff, putting other peopleā€™s needs in front of her own. That is serving.

She is presented with many new challenges as a new nurse. We have seen her time after time address her residentā€™s issues and /or problems, and she consistently strives to follow it through to the end, to the conclusion that she feels is best for her resident. She is one of those nurseā€™s that goes home and worries about the people that she cares for. When she tells her residents or team members that she is going to do something, she does it, consistently. That is Integrity.

She has a big heart, and accepts the people that she works with and the people that she serves, at face value. She in non-judgmental, kind, caring, always smiling, and shares all these attributes with those that she works with and those that she serves. I have never heard anyone utter a bad word about her, about anything. The people that she leads, and works with, respect her and they trust her. She commutes from out of town and she is never late, she doesnā€™t miss work. Even when she was ill recently, she worried about when she was going to be able to get back to work. That is Teamwork.

She is a learner. What she doesnā€™t know, she is constantly ā€œlooking upā€. She has a true desire to figure out the things she doesnā€™t understand. She shares information that she learns freely, to improve others. She wants to learn and grow, to become a better nurse, which always is more about the patient than it is about the nurse. She comes to all of the nursing meetings, all staffs, special events and recently drove here on her day off to learn a procedure she had never done beforeā€¦ā€¦just because she wanted to know. She brings her beautiful children here to help them to understand the population that she serves. She constantly asks questions, seeks out external information, and has a sincere desire for wisdom. That is Excellence.

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