Celebrating Valentine’s Day In Many Ways

Valentine’s Day is always a fun holiday and it was no different this year at South Haven.


Fever!, a ladies quartet with members from the Lincoln and Omaha area visited South Haven on Valentine’s Day. They sang a variety of songs for each neighborhood. It was a real treat for our residents! Thank you to Fever!


Our residents participated in a Valentine Balloon Release. Each balloon had a valentine message and the facility address in it. We are hoping to get a response from some of the released balloons. Seeing all the pink and red balloons in the sky was a sight to remember.


The Lakemont neighborhood made and enjoyed lasagna. The Alden neighborhood baked and decorated sugar cookies then served them during a Valentine’s Party. Our Baking Club also made heart shaped sugar cookies for everyone! Valentines were made from string and glue by many of the residents. The result was a variety of wonderful valentines as different as our wonderful residents!


A special appearance was made by Wayne Miller. He plays accordion and is a favorite performer among our residents. When performing at South Haven he always has a large audience!


Our Pep Club sponsored a King and Queen contest. Employees voted for their choices for King and Queen. Ralph Schmit was chosen for King and his wife ReNe Schmit was voted Queen. They were presented with crowns and chocolate!

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