South Haven “Stars” and Relay for Life

The South Haven “Stars”, our Relay for Life team, is working hard to reach their fund raising goal! The “Stars” have several activities in process to raise money for the American Cancer Society.


Bake sales have been held during our monthly Community Coffee breakfast. Who doesn’t like a sweet treat occasionally?


One Friday a month employees have the opportunity to wear jeans. To do so, employees must pay $5 to Relay for Life. Then they wear a star that says “I donated to Relay for Life, so today I wear jeans!”


Another fund raiser is selling t-shirts. They have designed teal shirts with South Haven “Stars” on the front. The back is printed with “I wish I may, I wish I might, Find a cure for cancer tonight!” Sales are great for these shirts!


Plans are being made for a spaghetti feed at South Haven in April. A silent auction will also be held that evening.


Some employees and community residents are looking out their windows and seeing a pink or purple toilet in their yard! For $10 a team member will remove the toilet from the yard. For an additional $10 they will deliver the toilet to a yard of your choice!


June 6th is the final event for the Saunders County Relay for Life teams. Everyone comes together to observe and celebrate everyone’s efforts to raise money for the American Cancer Society.


Go Stars!

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