South Haven Living Center Earns National Award for Quality Care

South Haven Living Center has earned the 2016 Silver – Achievement in Quality Award by the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL).

The award recognizes providers across the nation that have demonstrated their commitment to improving quality of care for residents and patients in long-term and post-acute care centers and communities.

“We are honored to receive this award,” said Jalene Carpenter, Administrator of South Haven Living Center. “This recognition is a testament to the commitment of everyone at South Haven Living Center to ensure the highest level of care for our residents, patients, and their families.”

Based on the core values and criteria of the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program, the AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award Program challenges member providers to achieve performance excellence through three progressive levels—Bronze, Silver, and Gold. At the Silver level, members develop and demonstrate effective approaches that help improve performance and health care outcomes.

“It takes incredible dedication and passion to successfully apply the demands of the criteria,” said Chair of the AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award Board of Overseers Christine Boldt.

“I applaud South Haven Living Center for reaching this level and for its commitment to always improve.”

As a recipient of this year’s award, South Haven Living Center can now advance in developing approaches that meet the criteria required for the Gold – Excellence in Quality Award.


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