Food, Back Packs & South Haven

South Haven is promoting a Quality Reputation by our involvement in the local Back Program in the community.  Monthly our residents and staff fill the backpacks with food.  The backpacks are then sent home on Fridays with children that may not receive healthy meals over the weekend.

There are about 90 students in the program this year.  The program serves students at all of the Wahoo Schools and the Weston School.

Food with as much nutritional value as possible is picked, and each food group is included.  The items include juice, milk, breakfast bars, main courses like spaghetti or macaroni and cheese, vegetables and fruit.  There are usually 10 items in each bag.  That way, they have something for breakfast, lunch and supper on Saturday and Sunday.

The program is funded through donations from businesses and individuals to the local Community Chest.  The Saunders County Ministerial Association leads the program and has been in existence for about four years.DSC01410DSC01418 DSC01416DSC01410 DSC01376

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