Acting, Popcorn & Pies

“The Great Recipe Rip-Off”, a melodrama, was performed by South Haven’s Reliance Neighborhood residents and staff. Before they started practicing they traveled to Mahoney State Park to view one of their melodramas. The entire Reliance Neighborhood was involved: some worked on their acting talents and others made pies to serve the audience after the play. The set was made by Newman high school students. Admission to the play was a canned food item that was donated to the Saunders County Food Bank. The audience packed Town Hall and then joined in on the fun by cheering, booing and even throwing popcorn at the villain.   Afterwards, pie and ice cream were enjoyed by all. After the months of preparation and practice the Reliance Neighborhood was able to sit back and watch all their hard work exceed the expectations of everyone in attendance. It was a great gathering of community and family; we will see what they come up with next!

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